Brandi Wilkin

Processing Manager

Brandi is organized and detail oriented. She enjoys connecting with others and finding solutions to problems. She is bubbly and resourceful, finding all sorts of ways to bring the team together, even while working from home.

Brandi and her husband just built their first home, on land that Brandi alone subdivided and developed…something that took a year and a half, but we don’t need to get into that. Brandi and her husband have 5 whole humans, the three oldest being some pretty cool Bonus kids to Brandi.

Brandi finally caved this year and bought her kids two pet bunnies, something she swore she’d never do but here we are. Brandi loves to convince her husband to travel often and have several weekend get aways with the family. When they are not on getaways, they are hosting friends and family at their home.

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